Kingyo Takeshita

The anonymous prodigy mechanic of Goldenclad.

Bio: One day, during a particularily rowdy festival season in the underground city of Goldenclad, mechanical goldfish descended from the upper levels of the city, swarming the streets with goldenlight. People watched in awe as they swam through the air, children took nets and fishing rods, attempting to capture them. The same thing occured for years afterwards, and to this day no one knows who makes them. Turns out, a young muto boy is responsible for this mechanical genius, manufacturing hundreds per year in his solitude. He's lived for his whole life right under the city's noses, quietly making a name for himself among the gears and electricity. Many nobles have offered money and fame to whoever could find this mechanic, so they could commission him for their own ends or sign him into a contract. No one has been able to. Kingyo remains unknown, and for good reason. Who knows what those nobles would do to him were they to ever find out he was a muto.